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March 2025; For Families in Crisis

Pope's Intention

"Lets us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other's gifts,

even in their differences."

War, famine and migration just a few of the major global crises that families are facing. 

We see on television, newspapers and online the hardship and poverty parents endure while attempting to give their children and family members food, basic medical care, and safe, secure housing.




..."forced migration of families, resulting from situations of war, persecution, poverty and injustice, and `marked by the vicissitudes of a journey that often puts lives at risk, traumatizes people and destabilizes families. In accompanying migrants, the Church needs a specific pastoral programme addressed not only to families that migrate but also to those family members who remain behind. This pastoral activity must be implemented with due respect for their cultures, for the human and religious formation from which they come and for the spiritual richness of their rites and traditions, even by means of a specific pastoral care… Migration is particularly dramatic and devastating to families and individuals when it takes place illegally and is supported by international networks of human trafficking. This is equally true when it involves women or unaccompanied children who are forced to endure long periods of time in temporary facilities and refugee camps, where it is impossible to start a process of integration. Extreme poverty and other situations of family breakdown sometimes even lead families to sell their children for prostitution or for organ trafficking”.


19 March 2016

Pope Francis


Pope Francis also presents another scenario of families in crisis; the hurt and harm that occur in families, between parents, parents and their children, as well as generational conflicts and sibling rivalry.

ST. JOSEPH; Patron of Fathers, Families and the Universal Church
ST. JOSEPH; Patron of Fathers, Families and the Universal Church

Only forgiveness has the power to end these painful and depressing circumstances.

The ability to forgive others freely comes from grace, and combining Intercession for this with the help of individual saints, such as St Joseph, is a potent motivator and catalyst.

Pope Francis hopes that broken families, in spite of their differences, re-recognise each other's gifts, and that by doing so, can help mend broken family ties. Our talents are gifts, given to us by the Holy Spirit. Recognition of these gifts and talents helps to build up family bonds.


"Every family should look to the icon of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Its daily life had its share of burdens and even nightmares, as when they met with Herod’s implacable violence. This last was an experience that, sad to say, continues to afflict the many refugee families who in our day feel rejected and helpless. Like the Magi, our families are invited to contemplate the Child 21 and his Mother, to bow down and worship him (cf. Mt 2:11). Like Mary, they are asked to face their family’s challenges with courage and serenity, in good times and bad, and to keep in their heart the great things which God has done (cf. Lk 2:19, 51). The treasury of Mary’s heart also contains the experiences of every family, which she cherishes. For this reason, she can help us understand the meaning of these experiences and to hear the message God wishes to communicate through the life of our families."


19 March 2016

Pope Francis

Our prayers are for families to find inner peace and cause for celebration in the spirit of solidarity and mutuality.  Furthermore, we pray that families who are in different crisis situations around the world will continue to pray for justice and peace together. 

Prayer to the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate

the splendour of true love;

to you we turn with trust.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

grant that our families too

may be places of communion and prayer,

authentic schools of the Gospel

and small domestic churches.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

may families never again experience

violence, rejection and division;

may all who have been hurt or scandalized

find ready comfort and healing.

Holy Family of Nazareth,

make us once more mindful

of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,

and its beauty in God’s plan.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Graciously hear our prayer.



19 March 2016

Pope Francis



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