Pauline Spirituality
Fr. James Alberione, founder of the Pauline Family, is the man behind the Pauline Spirituality. The spirituality is primarily biblical. It is based on the Person of Christ who defined and revealed himself as the "Master" (John 13:3), "the Way, the Truth and the Life" (John 14:6). Jesus is not just one of the many masters; he is the Master.
Blessed James Alberione sees the Pauline spirituality as a tool that transforms and helps a person respond to his or her call in life as God willed it. In this Christocentric spirituality, an individual is invited to a relationship with Jesus with their entire being. From the anthropological-theological view of his time, Blessed Alberione viewed the human person as composed of mind, will and heart. In the Pauline Spirituality, each of these faculties corresponds to an aspect of Jesus' Way-Truth-Life triad. The mind is brought to the knowledge of and sanctification in Christ the Truth, one's will to the imitation and conformation with Christ the Way and one's heart is modelled on and nourished in Christ the Life. Thus the entire person enters on a journey of continued conversion and sanctification to the point where they can say with St. Paul, "it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me" (Gal 2:20).
God gave the human person the gifts with which
to contemplate him: intelligence to know God, a will
to follow him, and a heart to love him.
Blessed James Alberione
The disciple who follows the Pauline Spirituality aspires to live integrally the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life, in the spirit of Saint Paul. Indeed St. Paul said of himself, "be imitators of me as I am of Christ" (1 Cor 11:1).
St. Paul sought to know and follow Jesus the Divine Master in his totality. St. Paul probes the profound mysteries of Jesus' doctrine, heart, sanctity, humanity and divinity, striving to live them in his own life and to urge others to do so.
Let us be modelled on St. Paul,
to reproduce Jesus Christ!
Blessed James Alberione
Mary is the woman apostle par excellence. She uniquely was entrusted with the mission of bringing Jesus, the Way, Truth and Life, to humanity.
God willed that we should receive all through Mary. After Jesus Christ, she remains the highest example that could be offered to the human person. She made herself an attentive and faithful disciple of the Divine Master, and thus allowed herself to be formed totally by the action of God. As Mary carried Jesus in her womb from the moment of the angel's words, so she bore the Church in her heart from the moment she heard her Son's words: "Woman, behold your son." It is she whom every disciple of the Master, every Pauline, can and must imitate in order to be fully conformed to Jesus. To know Mary and be close to her, is to get closer to Jesus. - Blessed James Alberione
Pillars of the Pauline Spirituality
To study and meditate on the Word of God, particularly the Gospels, is to receive instructions and enlightenment from Jesus who is the Truth. The objective of nourishing one's mind with the Scriptures is the sanctification of the mind so as to love God with all of one's mind. Thus one's thoughts and judgments are those of Christ
Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life is truly present in the Eucharist. In the participation of the Mass, reception of the Holy Communion and Eucharistic adoration, one allows Jesus the Life to "clothe" him or her with his divine grace, his transforming presence. A Eucharistic life is the greatest life-giving principle; the life-blood which permeates all our being, time, activities, relationships, etc. It is the secret of an integral spirituality, lived and communicated to others.

Lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119: 105

Bread of life

Lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119: 105
"​You were born of the Eucharist. Your food is the Eucharist.
Your spirituality is the Gospel lived in its entirety as explained by St Paul the Apostle." - Blessed James Alberione