COP26 ~ Glasgow 2021
of the

Sowing Seeds of the Future is an initiative from the National Office for Vocation - England & Wales, Scotland, Ireland.
This is only a taster. Please head over to the website for more information.

A Call to Stewardship

"A steward is one who manages - or is in charge of - another person's property or goods. God's Call to Stewardship means we are invited to manage his creation on his behalf. If we consider the work we have done, can we say in all honesty that "it was good"?
Our vocation as stewards of God's world is the original vocation. It is the call that comes right after our own creation - our invitation to live and to relationship with God. How will you respond to God's Call to you to care for His world?" (NOV)
The Pope's Encyclical Laudato Si' helps us understand what it means to be a steward of our earth today.
Pope Francis Says
"Together we pledge our commitment to raising awareness about the stewardship of Creation."
"Our insistence that each human being is an image of God should not make us overlook the fact that each creature has its own purpose. None is superfluous. The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God." (84)

Sowing Seeds

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Scotland to host UN Conference of Youth

St Francis preaching to the birds

The UN Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY) is an event under the banner of YOUNGO – The Official Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The conference takes place right before the annual UN Climate Change Conference, also known as Conference of the Parties (COP), in the same host country as the COP. COY serves as a space for capacity building and policy training, in order to prepare young people for their participation at COP.
In 2021, COY will be in its 16th year and is dubbed as the largest and longest running youth event to date; gathering thousands of young changemakers from more than 140 countries. It is likewise hailed as the most significant youth gathering for it’s capacity to directly forward the official youth position in the UN Climate Negotiations.
One of the major outputs of COY16 is the policy document crafted by youth voices globally, which will be forwarded during the UN Climate Negotiations.