Back to School
The summer holidays are coming to an end for many young people. Students, teachers and lecturers are getting ready to go back to school, college and university, for the start of the new academic year. Parents and carers are also very much part of this preparation and support.
Pupils in Scotland are already back at school and some some have already taken their first steps on their primary school journey.
Pope Francis asked primary, secondary, and university teachers to support students in their educational journey. "You cannot educate," he added, "without walking together with the people you are educating. It is beautiful when you find educators who walk together with boys and girls."
Pope Francis;

​​​"School is the first society that integrates the family. Family and school should never be opposed! They are complementary, and therefore it is important that they cooperate in mutual respect. And families of the children in one class can do a great deal by jointly cooperating among themselves and with the teachers."
​Pope Francis;
Top tips for going back to school

Regular sleeping pattern
Try to get back into your regular sleeping pattern by going to bed early and getting up at the time you would normally for going to school.
Be patient and friendly
Especially if you have a new teacher and classmates.

Get organised
Look out your uniform and pack your school bag the night before so you are organised for the morning.

Just be yourself and
try your best
Remember others are experiencing change too.

Bring healthy snacks
and water
​Bring healthy snacks to keep up your energy levels and water to keep hydrated.

Don't be afraid, don't worry
Always ask for help.
Suggested reading

I wish you all — parents, teachers, people who work in the schools, students — a beautiful journey at school, a journey that enables you to learn three languages that a mature person should know how to express: the language of the mind, the language of the heart and the language of the hands.
Pope Francis;
Dear heavenly Father
As our children
Return to school
We look again
To your eternal faithfulness.
Watch over our beloved ones.
Let your Spirit go before them
To prepare the way
And open the doors
That lead to your grace.
Guide them away from harm.
May your mighty Spirit defend them
From any aggression or attack.
Equip them with discernment
And strength of character
Let them be free to live and learn
As children of God.
Give us, dear Lord,
The wisdom and patience
To know when to speak or be still
As their parents and caretakers,
Always remembering
That they are yours
From the beginning;
Their lives a loving gift to us
From Almighty God.
We trust in you,
We depend upon you.
Care for your children,
Oh heavenly Father.
In Jesus name,